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Toxicology and Drug Testing in the Medical Laboratory, 3rd Edition

This guideline provides an overview of drug testing by medical laboratories, including testing for drugs of abuse. It discusses the preexamination, examination, and postexamination considerations for specimen collection, methods of analysis, and the reporting and interpretation of results. 

This reaffirmed document has been reviewed and confirmed as suitable to remain published without revision to content, as of December 2021. The document’s next scheduled review is generally five years after the reaffirmation date.

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Chairholder: Patrick B. Kyle, PhD, DABCC

Date of Publication: January 15, 2017

Order Code PDF: CLSI C52Ed3E
ISBN Number: 1-56238-809-6

Order Code Print: CLSI C52Ed3
ISBN Number: 1-56238-808-8

Edition: Third

Pages: 58

CLSI C52 Additional Details

This document was formerly sold under the code T/DM8.