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Advancing the Field of Microbiology With Timely AST Standards

Find the latest news and updates from our Microbiology committees.

CLSI is well known for its contributions to the field of microbiology, due to its diligent development of standards and guidelines that address test methods, quality control procedures, and the interpretation of test results in the clinical microbiology laboratory. In addition, these documents establish vital performance criteria for various culture media and automated procedures.

Future Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Meetings

January 25-30, 2018 | Dallas, Texas, USA
May 31–June 5, 2018 | San Diego, California, USA

Recent Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Meetings

June 22-27, 2017 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
January 11-17, 2017 | Tempe, Arizona, USA

Presentations: “One Health – One Medicine”- Linking Human, Animal and Environmental Health

Staff Liaison

Marcy L. Hackenbrack, MCM, M(ASCP)