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Get Involved with CLSI: Join a Working Group

What is a Working Group?

Typically, CLSI's working groups have focused on tasks that support the work of a subcommittee. A working group's assignment is usually limited in scope and can include writing a single document or section of a document or conducting a technical study. 

What subject areas have working groups?

What positions are available?

Titles and experience levels are provided below for a working group. CLSI invites volunteers from varied backgrounds and different levels of experience to participate in different roles.


What are my duties as a volunteer?

Most often, working group volunteers support the collection and review of data that inform specific recommendations and guidelines contained in CLSI documents.

How often do working groups meet?

Working group volunteers meet face-to-face once or twice a year and may meet via conference call several times throughout the year. However, working groups generally meet in-person once or twice a year—in January and/or June. There is no attendance fee for Committees Week meetings, but registration is required. Your CLSI project manager will notify you of the planned and expected meetings, and will provide announcements, agendas, and meeting materials prior to the meeting.

Meeting dates and locations through the next two years can be found at clsi.org/meetings.

How can I become a volunteer?

Working groups are managed by chairholders. If you would like to volunteer to become a member of a working group, please fill out our form below. You can also complete your Volunteer Profile to be placed in the "potential volunteers pool" for future positions.

I’m interested! What are my next steps?

Apply for a Working Group

Fill out your Volunteer Profile to be notified directly of any upcoming volunteer opportunities in your area of interest.