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Get Involved: Join an Expert Panel!

What is a CLSI Expert Panel?

Expert panels are responsible for:

What positions are available?

CLSI invites volunteers from varied backgrounds and different levels of experience to participate in different roles.

* Position has voting rights on the committee.

View Current Expert Panel Members

What are my duties as a volunteer?

Expert panel volunteers support the development of CLSI products by providing technical expertise in specialty areas. Their project ideas are transformed into proposals for documents and other products that generate valuable guidance to the medical laboratory community. Members review the status of projects in progress, determine actions to be taken on existing projects, and complete an environmental scan to identify possible new projects. Reviewing and commenting on Proposed Draft documents in the Panel's specialty area is another important responsibility of volunteer participants. 

How often do Expert Panels meet?

Expert Panel volunteers meet via conference call and in-person periodically throughout the year. Expert panels generally meet in-person once per year during the March Committees Week. There is no attendance fee for Committees Week meetings, but registration is required. Your CLSI project manager will notify you of the planned and expected meetings and will provide announcements, agendas, and other pertinent materials before each meeting.

The meeting dates and locations through the next two years can be found at clsi.org/meetings.

I’m interested! What are my next steps?

Complete your Volunteer Profile to be notified directly of future volunteer opportunities.

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