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Education Session | Epidemiological Cutoff Values (ECVs): Their Development and Use


Are you attending CLSI’s Committees Week in Dallas, Texas from January 25-30? Join us for an educational session on Saturday, January 27 from 5:00-7:00 PM Central (US) Time at the Westin Galleria Dallas. The topic is Epidemiological Cutoff Values (ECVs): Their Development and Use, and the presenters are leading experts in the field of microbiology. Topics include:

  • The mathematical and scientific basis for developing and setting epidemiological cut-offs (ECOFFs)
  • EUCAST’s perspective on the development and use of ECOFFs
  • FDA’s perspective on the development and use of ECVs
  • CLSI AST Committee’s perspective on the development and use of ECVs
  • CLSI AST Subcommittee’s perspective on the development and use of ECVS

The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. For more information, view the full program.

If you attended the session and need your PACE CE credit certificate e-mailed to you, simply fill out our form

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